Friday, July 3, 2009

The Beauty of Entertainment: MJ and Farrah, "Air For Life"

One of the Great Spiritual Doctors of the Middle Ages, St. Bonaventure, referred to God as the Divine Artist of which created things are vestiges of His Essence, and of which the human soul is in His image. Without making any judgments, one cannot deny that both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett have given us not just an echo of God's Divine Mystery, but also have brought us close enough to the Eternal Creative Fire as to not just warm, but HEAT UP our souls with truth, beauty, and goodness.

It is no coincidence that Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, products of the Entertainment Industry, died on the same day. Something quite profound happened and is proof that the Entertainment Industry is not just good for tabloids, excesses, and "I am a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here." God LOVES entertainment! A bit of Him was manifested in The talented lives of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. We may never see the likes of such musical and dancing talent that Michael Jackson exhibited since age 10. But what is true and amazing and makes one stop in awe is that such talent is just a flicker from the Divine FIRE of God. The beauty and impact of Farrah as a cultural Icon of beauty, may only be matched or surpased by a few, but is only a small taste of Divine BEAUTY. With the deaths of these two Hollywood Icons, a global phenomenon has taken place - a God moment - GOD TRULY HAS SPOKEN THROUGH THEIR DEATHS!

What has He spoken? Two Hollywood Icons - two lives that reveal that wealth, fame, and power are not the answer to eternal happiness and joy.

If one stops to reflect on these two deaths (as the world has), one can't deny who is in charge - the One, Immutable, all Loving God - I call him God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (One God - three Persons) - But I realize, if your not a Christian, you may call God something else.

In the end though, we all can agree that God is our "air For life" and He alone has control over life. AMEN! And Farrah gave a strong witness to this in her last months as she held onto her rosary more than her fame. God Bless you Farrah!

["Air For Life" - Andy Moor]

Farrah - what a courageous and strong woman. MJ, we love you and your innocent like love for the world. And though your personal life dealt you some rough blows leading you to find refuge in entertainment, we trust in the image of Divine LOVE - THE CROSS that says I know your heart and you are still mine if you so choose to be.

I close with this excerpt of a letter I sent to Farrah 1 month before she died:
Farrah, my Mother, whom I lost to pancreatic cancer back in 2001, would surely be following your story today and pulling for you and I am sure she still is today. She was strong like you, but human. In those difficult times, she knew of God’s love for her through the people (“angels”) He would send into her life to console her. May you, if not already, know of this divine care for you (of which Ryan I am sure is one). I hope this letter finds you comfortable and peaceful and very much embraced by the love of your family during these difficult times for you. And most of all, O Daughter of Corpus Christi, Texas (“Body of Christ), know that God loves you and always “Trust in His Merciful Love” for you.

Sincerely with the Love of Jesus Christ.... Fr. Don